Friday, June 28, 2013

Story time!

When I was in Junior High, the majority of the students were Aboriginal kids. We got along pretty well, and because of the large number of kids that shared a cultural heritage, there were classes and extracurricular activities that taught us about where most of us came from.
Traditional dance and art, that kind of good stuff.
In my last year there, the old principal retired and a new one was hastily hired. Mr. Roberts.
I will never forget the slow train wreck of his first and only year at that school.
So a kid shows up for class, and he proceeds to make that poor guy walk around the perimeter three times to "restore the sacred harmony of this sacred learning institution". In his words, the words, the grandmothers and grandfathers have been enraged by his impudence. Never mind that he was a good kid and tried to get to school on time.
Robert had a whole idea of what the kid's culture was from movies made in the fifties probably. He used to bang a drum at assemblies and sing gibberish. He killed a rabbit and made soup out of it, and tried to feed it to the school. Totally ignored me when I said that most of us didn't eat animals with little hands like rabbits in our culture D:
Three teachers left that year, after they found out he spent the entire budget on a stereo system so he could play flute music continuously throughout the school.
Oh, and he had one side of the school painted to look like heavy metal art of a native man and some eagles :s

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